Friday, July 20, 2018

It’s a wrap!


Not exactly the most unique title, I know, but I couldn’t resist.

Although everyone is talking about a heat wave and extreme drought for this part of the world, I finally finished this warm, cozy shawl. I started it about two years ago with only 3 stitches on the needle. The final needles counted around 1000 stitches!

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The pattern is a combination of 2 patterns by Christel Seyfarth: Caledonia Jakke and Lily Shawl. I also added a few leftover yarns from my Bird Jacket.

Again, this pattern was with a steek, which had to be cut open. Not as nerve wrekking as the first time, but still a bit scary to do.

First I stitched a zigzag on both sides of the steek, then I cut it open:



At this point the top of the border was already knitted.


On the right side of the shawl I used fading blues and on the wrong side of the border I used shades of red.

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Now, I long for some cold weather to wrap myself in this warm and soft shawl. (and not only because it is finally finished!).


Groetjes, Dorien


  1. Stunning, the beautiful array of colour is a feast for the eyes. A wonderful creation.

  2. What an amazing creation Dorien - love your use of colour in the pattern! Send it down here as it's winter, and I can try it out for you ;-)
