Friday, June 22, 2018

A Washing Line

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Nice little washing line, isn’t it? It was time to make a new laundry bag. The one I had was torn and was beyond repair. That is, the bag itself; the wooden frame however was not perfect anymore, but still good to use. So I made a new laundry bag, and because just a simple, plain bag was not much fun, I decided to make a washing line on it.


First I drew some clothes and sketched  an outline of what I had in mind. The clothes are already on scale. Then I traced them on to some fusible web, ironed this on some fabric scraps and cut them out with a little bit extra around the final cutting line.



The next step was washing and ironing the main fabric ( shrinkage!) and then arranging the ‘clothes’ on a line. After I was happy I cut out the pieces on the final line and ironed them onto the main fabric. I sew around the pieces with a nice large stitch, and embellished a few with a ribbon and some beads. The line itself is just a simple piece of cotton which was sewn on with a small zigzag-stitch.



Then all that was needed to be done was make the bag itself, put the buttons on and that’s it.

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Groetjes, Dorien


  1. What a beautiful laundry bag Dorien. Love your wee washing line :-)

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