Monday, January 28, 2013

Moving around, and round and round and round

Hello, how are you?? Of course some of you leave comments on my posts, and some of you have your own blog, where I can read about you, and what you’re doing, but still, I find it sometimes hard to imagine who you are. And what you are looking for on my blog.

Today I want to show you a few pictures of Fleur, who really likes to move around in the living room.

Every morning we put her pillow at the spot where we would like it to be, next to my chair and the radiator. And sometimes she actually lies there:


But never for long; before I know it she is on the move; first to the middle of the room:


Then a few meters more:


And by the time everyone is back home and we walk a lot between living room and kitchen, you can probably guess where she is going? Right, in the middle of the doorway!


This usually lasts until one of us is tired of stepping over her, and puts the pillow (with Fleur on it) a little bit aside, in front of the bookshelves.


The most funny part of this is the way she moves the pillow. I would expect she pushed it forward with her nose. Not Fleur; she pulls it backwards, like she was digging. When she pulls the pillow, she swings her back up, to make room for the pillow.

The last week I’ve made a few more circles;

25 Colour combinations, all more or less with a light center and a dark outside. And because I like doing it, and there was really no reason for me to go out, I made a few more.



Now there are 250 circles; I don’t know if it will be enough for a nice blanket, but I will just start now with making these circles into squares.

Groetjes, Dorien


  1. She is a beautiful dog. Your little circles are, too

  2. Hi Dorien! I'm happy to see Fleur and a little bit your home. Fleur is so sweet and I can imagine how she thinks: why they always put my bed in the last corner, even they know I have to be in the middle of everything! My hb says 20 times a day to Hanna and Nero: why you have to be always exactly in the middle (and our home is at the moment very small!). Fleur is funny to move her bed, ours doesn't do that!
    Your crochet circles are beautiful and with those cute colours they make very delicous scene!
    Happy week to you and Fleur! x Teje

  3. Hallo Do...wat kunnen honden toch hun eigen koppie hebben hè? onze heeft de keuze uit haar met een lekker kussen uitgestalde grote bench met het deurtje altijd open of een groot dik kussen ervoor als ze daarop wil liggen...ze begint meestal in haar bench...dat kent ze misschien van vroeger....slaapt daar een beetje en sleept dan haar kussen eruit op dat andere kussen....maar het moet persé op dat andere kussen liggen en is zolang bezig tot het goed ligt....als ik het doe is het nooit goed....beetje prinsesje op de erwt.....prachtige hond is Fleur....en je circels zijn ook zo leuk en zoveel...het zal een pracht en vrolijke deken worden zo...groetjes Francien.

  4. Een antwoord op je vraag aan het begin: ik ben benieuwd naar de vorderingen aan je Christel Seyfarth-project! En ik ben bezig aan een sjaal die geinspireerd is door jouw Flowers and Swirls. Ik ben op Ravelry te vinden als vantwaaltje.
    Groeten Maria

  5. Hi Dorien, Fleur is gorgeous and so funny moving her bed around like that! Our dogs are sleeping on cool tiles or whatever they can find that is the coldest in our hot summer weather. Your circles are looking a treat, they will make a beautiful looking blanket.

  6. Funny little Fleur - pushing her bed around the house to be right in the action. Dogs add so much to life don't they? We have three (!) and I can't imagine life without them.
