Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Hello! Totally unexpected, I didn’t blog for almost two weeks. Last week the boys had spring-break and went of on a camp. So that gave my husband and me the opportunity to paint the living room. This was something we already wanted to do when we moved into this house; 7 years ago!
Funny thing was that the painting itself wasn’t that much work, but moving out all the books and the furniture, that was just a lot of work. But it was worth it.

This week I started sewing on all the circles I made.


Although there are more than 80 circles, I did it in less then 3 days. Because I prepared the circles like I described in my last post, it was quite easy to applique them.

The quilting is free motion, with a kind of curls in the white space. They are not made exactly the same, and maybe even a bit wonky, but I like the way it brings the quilt to live.


Fingers crossed that my Swap-partner likes it.

Groetjes, Dorien


  1. Thank you for your nice words! :) This looks amazing - you know how much I love colorful things! :D

  2. Heerlijk, even met z'n tweetjes. Staat alles weer op z'n plaats?
    Je quilt ziet er vrolijk uit. Je partner vindt hem vast heel mooi.

  3. Hoi Dorien,
    Ik vind het een heel mooi quiltje! Wat een werk al die cirkels aanbrengen en dan quilten.
    Fieuw ... blij dat het achter de rug is?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hi Dorien! That is a fantastic quilt! sorry, but how you can give it away?! I see there a kite!
    I think you didn't add this to the mini quilt contest, but you could link it at 'Little Quilt Monday' link party at
    Enjoy your new living room!
    x Teje

  6. Really cute! I love the quilting.

  7. Very eye-catching! The curly quilting goes well with the circles.

  8. Nice....I have a bubble baby quilt of my own to quilt....I've been using circles a bit since I got the Go!Baby for it.
