Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Messing around


Although I usually don’t make new year’s resolutions, I really wanted to blog more this year; so here is my second post!!

Ahum. What happened? I don’t know. I guess life happened. It’s not as if I haven’t done anything with yarn or fabric, but it wasn’t really much to show or tell about. Is there now then?  No, there isn’t. So this little post is just to say I’m happily messing around.

The picture above shows crocheted strips which I’ve woven into a piece. The idea was to see what happens in different layouts of the strips. Of course I forgot to make pictures of all the pieces.

P1030817 (2)

This morning I came down and this is what my table looked like:


Most of the things you see are connected with the knitting in the left corner. I’m trying to mix a lot of different kind of knitting-patterns together, and this takes a lot of thinking, trying, math, and writing down. The pile of books are knitting books, which I use for examples, and more specifically for knitting terms and ways of making a pattern readable.

On the right there is a shirt of my son, who wants me to sew on a few more patches. As a scout he should do it himself, I know, but as a mom using needles and thread every day, it is a small favor to do it.

In between you can see a book called ‘Zoet, zuur & zout’, which is Dutch for Sweet, sour & salt. It is a book I received only a few days ago, which is about how to preserve food. I never learned about the techniques used to do this, and it does interest me so maybe this will help.

On top of the table, you can see a piece of fabric, which is probably going to  be made into a pair of pyjama pants.

Groetjes, Dorien


  1. All the wonderful colours on the crochet strips look beautiful.

  2. How busy you have been Dorien - those crochet strips look wonderful, as does the knitting.
    Your book on preserving sounds intriguing - is it about natural fermenting?, that is something I am interested in too.
    I still have my (married) son bringing home mending etc for me to do - last time it was a zip in his trousers, so I took them to the tailors shop in town as I could not see the various layers of dark grey!! I think he got the message not to bring them to me now!
