Sunday, February 2, 2014

A very special Book Case

It’s no secret that I am as much a book lover as a fiber addict. Sometimes you’re asked what you would spend your last dime on, and I honestly wouldn’t know; books or yarn. They both are very important to me. 

My love for books isn’t only about the content. The shape, colours, pictures on the cover and inside, the texture of a book, yes, even the smell; they all make a book what it is.

So when I learned a while ago, about this very special bookcase in Amsterdam, I knew I had to go there to see it, and it took me a lot longer then I anticipated, but this morning I finally had the time.


Isn’t this amazing?? It’s a façade of appr. 250 ceramic books in a neighborhood in Amsterdam, where the streets have the names of 18th and 19th century poets and writers. Most of them kind of forgotten.


It measures about 7.5 x 2.5 meters, and is made by Sanja Medic.

And what a coincidence:  one of the writers whose booktitles are used, is Jacob Staringh, and I live in a street named after just this man. Never knew he was a writer.


On the topshelf in this picture, you can see fourth from the left a book with a very odd title “Hoe men een vrouw behandelen moet”; in English: “how a woman should be treated”. I haven’t figured out whoever wrote a book with this title, but I guess nowadays one probably wouldn’t get away with it.

Groetjes, Dorien


  1. Wow, das ist fantastisch. Ich liebe Bücher genauso sehr wie du. Ich mag auch das blättern in Büchern, wie es sich anfühlt und wie es riecht. Und ich bin immer beeindruckt wieviel Arbeit und Liebe in so manchem Buch steckt. Das können die elektronischen Reader nicht bieten.


  2. How interesting - I would love to see that some time :) x

  3. Wat leuk! Ik had het nooit eerder gezien, maar ik vind het prachtig! Wij wonen in Brabant, dus het zal nog even duren voor ik het in het echt kan bewonderen. Maar ook hier houden we van "echte" boeken, in maart komt onze nieuwe boekenkast van 3,5 meter breed en plafondhoog. Ik kijk er al naar uit!
    Groetjes Monique

  4. That is fantastic Dorien! I love also books and not only for reading! Book-quilt is still on my list! x Teje

  5. What a fascinating 'bookshelf'. I too love books, so this really appeals to me too!

  6. Merhaba, örgüleriniz harika,battaniyeyi paylaştım, beklerim.Sevgiler

  7. Sad I missed that site when I was in Amsterdam... Looks great!
