Thursday, September 15, 2011

A Sunny Day!!!

Hello! I hope you are doing okay. We are again, having a strange week. Even though school has started, and one would think that we would achieve on getting some kind of rhythm, that’s just not the case. A few of our family have gotten sick, and of course our guest from Chile has arrived. He is becoming a member of our family very quick and we all really like him.

Today we went for a walk on the beach. And it couldn’t have been a better day.


Actually I was surprised by the emptiness of the beach.



This week I haven’t been able to do much knitting or sewing; I’ve just been playing with some little acorns and pumpkins. Photo’s will follow soon.

Groetjes, Dorien


  1. Beautiful beach - you did get lovely weather for it!

  2. Lovely beach pictures! I miss the beach so much! Hope your family gets well.

  3. Het was inderdaad een heerlijke dag, helaas voel ik wel een verkoudheidje opkomen.

    Beterschap gewenst voor de zieken en fijn dat het klikt met je gast.

    Groetjes, Monique

  4. The seagulls look the same all the way around the world! Your beach is beautiful, I am surprised that it was empty too. You have got me curious with your mention of pumpkins and acorns.
